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Onam Festival

Onam is one of the biggest festivals in Kerala (gods own country). Onam is a popular Kerala festival. It is celebrated through the entire state by almost all Keralites. The story of how Onam came to be celebrated is as under King Mahabali.

Onam Festival

Onam is a festival f start and end within 10 days in August–September. Onam is the official festival of Kerala with public holidays that start four days from Onam Eve. The gods own country  Kerala is emblazoned with flowers and colors during Onam festival. The legend has it that King Mahabali ruled the gods own country in a most efficient way but was tinted with ego. 

Onam Festival

Thiruvathira Dance

An onam celebration won't be complete without music and dance. It is the main element that enriches the festival and brings it to full bloom. Girls and ladies form a circle and they dance maintaining the pattern. Thiruvathira is a great dance during the Onam season

Ona Kalikal

There are lots of playful games related to Onam. Many fun-filled games alike  Ambeyyal and Attakalli are played with joy and cheers in this season.
Onam Festival

Onam songs

There are so many beautiful songs played during Onam season. All the songs will be about Mahabhali, flowers..etc

read more:- Onam

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